Change, as they say, is the only constant in life. Over the past four years, our world has undergone unimaginable transformations. From personal lives to professional realms, the evolution has been phenomenal. The rise of remote work, the shift in the professional landscape, and the increased focus on job satisfaction and employee retention have all redefined our perception of work. Today, it is not a luxury but a necessity to feel seen, respected, and valued in the workplace. Join me on my personal journey as I uncover the essence of what truly matters in a workplace.
My Journey Through the Apparel Decorating Industry
My initial professional venture after college led me to the apparel decorating industry. It was a transformative experience where I not only flourished personally, but also advanced in my career. I felt acknowledged and valued within this environment that became my second home for a remarkable span of six years. However, as life unfolded, circumstances changed. It was a matter of months before I would welcome my first baby girl and the long commutes and shortened time at home wore me down fast. Reluctantly, I had to make the difficult decision to part ways, yet the memories of that place will forever be etched in my heart.
Job #2 marked another chapter in the same industry, but this time, it brought me closer to home. The employers here were more than just bosses; they were like family. I was welcome with opened arms and valued for my industry knowledge. In the face of the pandemic, they remained steadfast, unwavering in their commitment to our well-being. While the pay may not have matched industry standards, the sense of belonging to a family was truly invaluable. During my time at this job, I not only welcomed both of my beautiful baby girls into the world but also married their daddy/the love of my life. Throughout these significant life changes, I received exceptional care and support. They may not have had the means to up my paycheck, but they were two of the biggest smiles present at my wedding in 2019. This is so much more than a paycheck.
When those bosses had to move out of state, I decided my journey needed to continue on as well, which brought me to Job #3 in the industry. The salary offered was enticing, nearly double my previous earnings. Unfortunately, the work environment proved to be suffocating. Micromanagement and a lack of trust became the norm, leaving no space for personal growth or the freedom to make mistakes. This job has enlightened me to the stark reality that no matter how enticing the paycheck, people won't stick around if they lack a sense of belonging and respect. With that in mind, I embarked on a quest to find a new professional haven.
Centricity – My Professional Sanctuary
That's when I discovered Centricity. To set the tone, I'm writing this from my newly renovated home office, accompanied by my dog, who brings me a sense of comfort as she rests in her bed beside me. I have my yoga mat rolled out, allowing me to take 5-10 minute mental breaks whenever needed. The soothing aroma of my oil diffuser fills the air, with a carefully selected blend that keeps my mind alert. We all have our personal comforts, and these are mine. This is the beauty of the flexibility to work from home, which not only allows us to reclaim hours of our lives that would otherwise be spent commuting, but also provides an environment that nurtures our well-being.
Centricity isn't just a job; it has become a second home. I mean, we do spend 1/3 of this precious life working, so we might as well not stop until we love what we do, right?! Three of my former colleagues, who I considered family, were already a part of this incredible organization. The role they offered aligned perfectly with my previous experience, while also promising an exciting journey into the realm of marketing. The competitive pay was enticing, but what truly captivated me was the trust they bestowed upon me, the flexibility they offered, and the boundless opportunities for personal and professional growth.
The True Value of Employee Retention
My journey through different workplaces has taught me one important lesson: being valued often matters more than salary[1]. When employees are allowed the flexibility to work from home and regain control over their lives, their loyalty towards the organization increases[2]. Feeling part of a strong, supportive team is incredibly inspiring and fosters a sense of belonging[3]. As we navigate this new world, let us remember that employee retention is not just about paychecks, it's about making people feel seen, respected, and valued - the three together make the ultimate professional life jackpot!
Sources: [1]: Apollo Technical
[2]: Gallup
[3]: LinkedIn